March 6th, 2015
開始把一些內容分成別篇文章,最近多花了很多時間讀XMPP Spec挺有趣的.
[Golang] 關於Golang 有趣的網頁與小工具
- GRPC: Go Project
- 支援HTTP/2之外,還支援九種以上的語言.並且可以擺脫net/rpc原本需要管理gob的痛苦.
- Gore: Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more.
- 另外一個Go REPL的工具,支援許多shortcut跟即時顯示…
- Viper: A configuration tool of Go
- Wide: A Web-based IDE for Teams using Golang.
- 相當酷的網站,可以online 寫go而且有資料夾的概念.並且有syntax highlighter的.
[Golang] Meetup
- Youtube Playlist: London Go Gathering February 2015
- FOSDEM 2015 Video list
- Go at CoreOS by +Kelsey Hightower
- This session will discuss using Go to build products that make distributed computing as stress-free as installing a Linux distribution.
- Finding Bad Needles in Worldwide Haystacks by Dmitry Savintsev
- Experience of using Go for a large-scale web security scanner
- Moving MongoDB components to Go by +Norberto Leite
- We love Go and this train is unstoppable!
- CockroachDB by +Tobias Schottdorf
- Towards an Open-Source Spanner
- HTTP/2 for Go by +Brad Fitzpatrick
- Overview of HTTP/2 and the design of Go’s support for it
- Go and the modern enterprise by +Peter Bourgon
- bleve - text indexing for Go by +Marty Schoch
- The State of Go by +Andrew Gerrand
- Go Lightning Talks by +Andrew Gerrand
- The Go community on Go
- Go at CoreOS by +Kelsey Hightower
- Youtube: FOSDEM 2015 Go present playlist
- 關於Golng 有關的session集合,總而言之還是HTTP/2跟Go 1.5