Keep note after I watch related event video of WWDC 2013.
Just some my summary and my understanding here.
Mac OSX Server become more important:
I believe OS Server version become more and more important when Xcode 5 launch. Note something I am very excited about:
“Bot for continues integration”: Great tool, no need to build a BuildBot your self.
“Test Navigator”: Quick for debugging for unit test.
“Automatic configuration”: Oh! no need for lots of setting when you trying to setup iCloud code.
“Source Control”: Migrate it deeply, should be easy to used. But everyone has his own SCS why I switch to this one?
iOS7 is much big change than flat design:
When everyone keep focus on the flat design, but no one take a look some interesting thing as follows:
“Multiple Tasking”: No only multiple tasking but also power safe. How to do that? Apple just change the app on background work rule. Also add some API about background transfer (as I know lots of engineer use GPS to wake up your app on background transfer).
The new background fetch become more smart and easy to use, it could detect user behavior to make sure power effective.
Remote notification become complete message not only for short message to make sure user could read it smoothly.
Background network transfer is great to use when you try to retrieve some data from internet on background.
“Transition and Effect”: Big change with flat design, Apple put more resource to present effect and transition.
Keep study…..